Lent Devotional Promotional Resources
A New Look at Promo Packs

About "Life Renewed: Devotions for Lent 2025"
What is "Life Renewed"?
God brings new life in unexpected ways and in the most unlikely situations. This devotional reflects on how God does this in the creation of all things, the Israelites’ rescue from slavery in Egypt, the dry bones and Ezekiel, the fiery furnace, the big fish and Jonah, and more. Life Renewed provides devotions for each day from Ash Wednesday to the Resurrection of Our Lord/Vigil of Easter (March 5 to April 19, 2025). The devotions begin with evocative images and brief scripture readings drawn from traditional Easter Vigil texts. The writers then bring their diverse voices and pastoral wisdom to the texts with quotations to ponder, reflections, and prayers.
Who is it for?
These devotions are for everyone! Read together in a daily practice as a family, keep in your car or work bag for on-the-go moments, or on your bedside table for a bedtime reflection. This pocket-sized devotional with beautiful images and varied stories and questions is easily accessible to kids, youth, teens, adults, and seniors. Great for gifts and care packages. (Ask about large print and ebook versions!)
What are some ways to share this devotional?
This devotional is easy to share far and wide! Here are some options to get you started!
- Have youth pass out to congregation during children’s message
- Pass out in group meetings
- Use as an openers or closer to a meeting
- Bring to homebound congregants
- Send to college students
- Hand out in senior homes
Who are the contributors?
Paul E. Hoffman is a retired ELCA pastor who writes and teaches from his home in Mukilteo, Washington.
David L. Miller directs retreats for the Christos Center for Spiritual Formation (Lino Lakes, Minnesota) and blogs a prayingthemystery.blogspot.com. He and his wife, Dixie, live in Downers Grove, Illinois.
Stacey Nalean-Carlson lives in Decorah, Iowa, with her spouse and three teenage children, writing and wondering at God’s goodness.
Jennifer Phelps has been a pastor for twenty-one years and is a regular contributor to worship and devotional resources.
Lisa A. Smith, a writer and ELCA pastor, lives in Anchorage, Alaska, with her three children and spouse. Her blog “Bedtime Theology” is at pastorlisawrites.com.
Harvard Stephens Jr. serves as the interim pastor of St. Philip’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Baltimore, Maryland.
What will surprise me in "Life Renewed"?
Our contributors have answered this question and more on our blog at https://blog.augsburgfortress.org/life-renewed-diving-into-lenten-devotions
Downloadable Resources

Bulletin Insert
Download these 5.5x8.5 ready-to-use inserts in full-color or black and white.

Bookmarks and Kid Activities
Print on cardstock and place next to devotionals for pick up by interested parties. Includes activities and questions for young readers.

Newsletter Announcement
You've written the rest of the newsletter - let us take care of this section!

Social Media Posts
Want to announce online? We've got you covered. Use these pre-made posts and add your church's details in the caption.

Curated List of Hymns and Anthems
Enrich your prayer or worship with these musical suggestions. Meditate upon or sing a hymn or listen to an anthem chosen to reflect the devotion’s theme.

Weekly Synopsis for Preaching Direction
Want to connect your sermon with themes in the devotional from the past week? Here is the prayer from each day to give you an idea.

5 Midweek Worships Based on Life Renewed
Wednesday weekly worship is a staple in many communities in this season. Use this outline to create a service that follows the themes of the devotional.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105
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